Please use link below to find our SEND Policy.
Hamer Primary aims to be an inclusive school.
Here are our school SEN principles:
We have a SEND team of Mrs Terry (Head Teacher), Mrs SMith (Pastoral Manager), Miss Duggan (SENDCo), and a number of SENDTAs. We offer an open door policy to all parents at Hamer Primary and Miss Duggan is available to book an appointment with through the school office.
We have a great team of SEND TAs and teachers who are skilled at identifying and supporting children with SEND.
The class teacher is the first person to speak to if you have concerns or queries about your child.
Respect for all - counselling services
Barnardos Shine Parenting Course
Our in school professionals:
Miss Duggan - School SENDCo
Mrs Smith - Pastoral Manager and Safeguarding Lead
We have a team of Educational Psychologists provided by Rochdale LA.
Rochdale Additional Needs Service (RANS) - There are a number of professionals from RANS who support children in school.
Parent Support
We will be holding termly SEND parent and child sessions or events where parents of children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities are invited to school to take part in celebratory, fun events alongside their children. Termly SEN Newsletters will be published with updates of local support groups and events.
Healthy Young Minds/ #THRIVE Drop Ins
If you have any concerns regarding your child's behaviour in school or at home, feel that they may be showing some signs of having additional needs/disabilities, or are generally concerned about your child's development or mental health, there is a drop in session at #THRIVE every Thursday at Healthy Young Mind's central hub called'Around the Corner' at 48-50 Drake Street, Rochdale, OL16 1NT.
For children Younger than 8 this is from 9.30-11.30, for children older than 8 it is from 4-8pm. You do not need an appointment or a referral, just call in. See the website below for more information.
Calm Zone - Childline
Childline has designed some fantastic resources to help children feel calmer.
Rochdale Parent Carers Voice
This organisation strongly believes that parents of those children with additional needs and disabilities are key to making positive changes for now and the future.
Helpful Websites
Rochdale Directory - you can use this website to search for specific services within our local area.
Accessible Activities - A list of accessible activities for children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities within the local area.
Rochdale Healthy Young Minds - This service is for supporting and promoting Mental Health and Well Being for young people. Their drop in service #THRIVE is extremely useful for parents seeking support and advice.
You can find a list of other services available from Healthy Young Minds by clicking here
The National Autistic Society Website - offering information, advice and support for parents on Autism.
Barnados - Support for parents with children who have Special Educational Needs.
Kooth- Free, Safe and anonymous online support and counselling for young people.
SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs Disability Information Advice Support Service) - Provides free confidential and impartial information, advice and support to disabled children and young people aged 0-25, those that have or may have special educational needs, and their parents.
Speech and Language Therapy - a link which shares more information about the Speech and Language Therapy services in Rochdale.
Rochdale Local Offer
A Local Offer gives information about what support and services the local authority offers for children are disabled or who have SEN and their families.
Rochdale’s Local Offer sets out what will normally be available for children with SEN. Further information can be found by clicking this link to the Rochdale Local Offer
Hamer's Local Offer
Hamer's Three Waves of Provision
Admissions Arrangements for Pupils with SEND
Hamer Community Primary School welcomes all children in our community, regardless of special educational needs and disability. The school follows the School Admissions Code (December 2014) whereby all children whose statement of special educational needs (SEN) or Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan names the school will be admitted.
Your child may start their journey at Hamer with previously identified SEN or disabilities. We will work in partnership with parents and feeder nurseries, schools and wider professionals to give your child a smooth and happy transition into their time at Hamer and ensure the needs of your child are addressed appropriately.
Disabled Access
The school was built in 2007 with regard to the Disability Discrimination Act (2005) and is maintained with regard to the Equalities Act (2010).
The school is a step free site and is wheelchair accessible. It has disabled toilets and disabled parking bays. The entrance, doorways and corridors are wide enough for wheelchair access and doors are easy to open. Height adjustable tables are available in classrooms. The school is well lit and floors, walls and doors are easily distinguishable and in contrasting colours.
For further information, see the Accessibility Plan.