RSE Statement
RSE Statement:
In September 2020, all schools will be required to follow the statutory guidance for Relationships Education, Relationships and Sexual Education (RSE) and Health Education. The intention of the guidance is to support schools to deliver compulsory Relationships and Sex Education in an age appropriate and developmentally appropriate way.
In our school, we will deliver RHE – Relationships and Health Education.
The focus of our curriculum will be ensuring children are taught about respect and making positive choices with regards to all aspects of relationships and health. We believe this is crucial in preparing them for the next stage of their lives and education and will support them in making a positive contribution to society and their community.
We want the children in our school:
To feel safe
To be kind
To be proud of their identity
To be heard and be able to share their experiences and knowledge demonstrating good levels of understanding
To have the freedom to ask questions
To be knowledgeable and have a clear understanding of diversity
To feel respected and be able to show respect to others
To be prepared for life and the challenges of living in Modern Britain
To be able to celebrate and understand differences
We want the adults in our school:
To feel safe and supported
To be positive role models for children and young people
To be able to answer questions confidently
To be confident discussing issues around RHE/RSE
To ask questions
To use a universal language within school and the Local Authority in order to ensure consistency of information to all
To access training
To have access to high quality resources to support the delivery of RHE
We want our school community:
To trust the school and understand our common goal is to prepare children and young people for the next stage of their life and education
To be confident discussing issues raised by RHE
To ask questions
To be positive role models for children and young people
To be proud of the identities represented in our school
To engage in open conversations
To be knowledgeable and confident to support children and young people
To acknowledge that we are all different and we are all equal
To share good news stories
To celebrate equality and diversity through active engagement in community events